Friday, July 15, 2011

Mis Ninas (My Little Girls)

Today, at the end of a two week missions trip to Nicaragua, my husband posted on their trip blog about how Charlotte has dealt with his being gone for so long. It is definitely worth reading. I want you to go over and catch the whole thing, so here is a teaser to peak your interest:
Our youngest daughter, Mary Mitchell (1 year 10 months old), has been missing me. Apparently, she gets up in the morning and points toward my bedroom door calling, "Dada," over and over. But, Charlotte (3 years 11 months old) tells her some variation of this: 
Daddy's not there. He's in Nicaragua being a missionary, telling mean people about Jesus. But, his love is still in your heart, so just hold your hand to your heart, and he'll be there with you. 
And if you know Charlotte, that's how she talks.
Visit Mission: Nagarote for the full post and to see why I'm a little teary eyed tonight as we wait for him to come home to us tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! It will be a great reunion, and I'm sure you all will enjoy the pictures and stories that he has to share from his experience.
